The Search for ParmeliaParmelia Emeriah "Emma" Lowe Runyon, the mother of Polly Margaret Runyon Hatfield and eleven other children, is the least documented of...
Jeff and Polly's Migration Generation William Jefferson and Polly Margaret Runyon Hatfield had 30 grandchildren, whose births were bunched from the late 1930s into the early...
"Anderson" is a perfect nameThe arrival of Bentley Anderson Adams, great great grandson of Melda Buskirk Hatfield Morris, on December 21, 2019, was the latest use of...
Hatfield MarriagesDocuments and records provide some very intriguing information about couples in Jeff and Polly's family. Sometimes, it is not always a...
Church with Jeff and PollyThe Primitive Baptist Church was an important part of Jeff and Polly's lives, and it is a legacy that continues to the present day in...
Take a flight down Blackberry CreekJeff and Polly's family is centered around Blackberry Creek, which is now McCarr, Kentucky. Ephraim Hatfield, sometimes referred to as...
Anderson Hatfield Memorial Cemetery UpdateUpdating the Blackburn and Norman Inventories The inventories completed by Peggy Sue Blackburn Tussy and Aggie Lee Blackburn Hager (the...