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Take a flight down Blackberry Creek

The Hatfields

Jeff and Polly's family is centered around Blackberry Creek, which is now McCarr, Kentucky. Ephraim Hatfield, sometimes referred to as "Eph of All," along with his wife, Annie, and sons, Joseph, George, and Jeremiah, move into the Tug Valley area before 1840. Ephraim and Annie with sons, George and Joseph, appear in the Pike County, Kentucky, census for the first time in 1830 and Jeremiah has joined them by the 1840 census.

All of Jeff and Polly's children settled on Blackberry Creek, except for Clyde and Bill. Jeanette and Katherine lived across the street from each other. Estil lived along Blackberry Creek. LeEttie, Melda, Guy, and Bob lived in a row down the creek, so they were not only siblings but next door neighbors.

Moreover, the Anderson Hatfield Memorial Cemetery, which is the final resting place for so many of Ephraim's family, is located on Blackberry.

Take a flight down Blackberry Creek, compliments of Getty Images. You can see the roofs of Jeff and Polly's family homes as you fly down the creek.


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